April 28, 2011

English 9:
- Finish TKAM Chapter 17
- Finish BW
- Quiz over 16-21 on 5/4

BW of Chapter 17 for Honor Roll Breakfasters...
1) Describe Heck Tate's testimony of the incident.  Why is Atticus being so specific about the injuries?
2) Characterize Bob Ewell and describe his home.  What is the one, curiously beautiful aspect of the Ewell Estate?
3) Now describe Bob Ewell's version of the incident with Mayella.  Why does he keep repeating that he "knows who done it"?  Does this seem like a reasonable response to Atticus' questioning?
4) Why does Atticus have Bob write his own name on the stand?  Is it simply to poke fun at poor, ignorant Mr. Ewell or is it more important than that?
5) Describe and explain the difference between Jem and Scout's reactions to the testimony so far.  DOes it have something to do with age?

English 12:
- Finish The Lagoon
- Page 1234, 1-5 due Monday (HW assignment #2)

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