May 31, 2012

English 9:
- Bring review materials
- Review for the Final starts next week. Final Review Schedule
- Check out my project: Off Toward Our Home Shore
- My song uses the traditional ballad "Off to Sea Once More", as performed by Jerry Garcia and David Grisman.
- BW

May 30, 2013

English 9:
- The Odyssey Project, due TOMORROW!!!!
- Review for the Final starts next week. Final Review Schedule
- Check out my project: Off Toward Our Home Shore
- My song uses the traditional ballad "Off to Sea Once More", as performed by Jerry Garcia and David Grisman.

May 29, 2013

English 9:
- Page 1232, 1-4 + BQ
- The Odyssey Project, due May 31
- Final Review Schedule
- BW
- Check out my project: Off Toward Our Home Shore
- My song uses the traditional ballad "Off to Sea Once More", as performed by Jerry Garcia and David Grisman.