June 7, 2013

English 9:
- The Final for English 9 will be Thursday, 6/13 @ 1:00
- Congrats on making it though the year!!!
- BW
- Final Review Schedule for English 9
- Calendar of All Exams

June 6, 2013

Due to unforeseen circumstances, please note that the Final Review for today is moving to tomorrow morning at 8:00-8:25. The remainder of the schedule remains unchanged.

English 9:
- The Final for English 9 will be Thursday, 6/13 @ 1:00
- Prepare yourself for the final day of class.
- BW
- Final Review Schedule for English 9
- Calendar of All Exams

June 5, 2013

Please note,  the homework assignment listed below differed slightly from the one in the BW picture.  Also, due to unforeseen circumstances, please note that the Final Review for today is moving to tomorrow morning and the review for tomorrow is moving to Friday morning, 8:00-8:25 both days.  The remainder of the schedule remains unchanged. 

English 9:
- The Final for English 9 will be Thursday, 6/13 @ 1:00
- Write 3 close reading questions for the informational text we read in class (see BW)
- BW
- Final Review Schedule for English 9
- Calendar of All Exams

June 4, 2013

English 9:
- The Final for English 9 will be Thursday, 6/13 @ 1:00
- Review and master the outline for the SCR
- BW
- Final Review Schedule for English 9
- Calendar of All Exams

June 3, 2013

English 9:
- The Final for English 9 will be Thursday, 6/13 @ 1:00
- Final Review Task 1 (Vocab and Lit. Terms)
- BW
Final Review Schedule for English 9