September 30, 2011

English 9:
- Complete Essay Outline
- NB Check Monday
- Review BW/Short Stories
- Short Story Test Tuesday and Wednesday

English 12:
- Finish The Pardoner's Tale
- Finish Worksheet from class
- Finish BW
- Rough Drafts due Wednesday

- Work on Projects
- CIR 11-14 due next Friday
- Journal # 7 - "She just about killed me." Consider the effects of diction upon a narrative and, spring boarding from today's class discussion, focus on the diction choices made by Salinger in the novel.  How has Holden's particularly unique psychology benefited from his odd diction choices?  Explain with examples.

September 29, 2011

English 9:
- Finish YNGU
- Finish BW
- Read Split Cherry Tree (26)
- Test over Short Stories on Tuesday

English 12:
- Finish Pardoner's Prologue
- Read pages 122-123
- Answer Questions on page 122
- Rough Drafts due

- CIR 5-10 due tomorrow
- Project

September 28, 2011

English 9:
- Finish SPP
- Finish BW
- Read A Day's Wait, page 97
- Short Story Unit Test , Tuesday, 10/4

English 12:
- Read lines 735-855 in the CT Prologue
- Rough Drafts due 10/5

- Work on Character ideas for tomorrow
- CIR 5-10

September 27, 2011

English 9:
- Read SPP to the break on page 67
- Finish BW
- Papers with self-assessment due tomorrow

English 12:
- The Canterbury Tales presentations tomorrow
- Rough Drafts due 10/5

- Journal #6 - "Consider your discussions today from class and think about the oddities of the mind.  Think about the brain map, all the different areas of the brain, and all their corresponding functions.  Is your brain your personality?  Is it who you are?  Could some catestrophic brain injury change a person into someone else? (consider Phineus Gage on page 86).  Think long and deeply about what this means.  Also, consider the manner in which differently spaced damage to the brain produces odd effects."  You all need to write longer and more thorough journal entries.

September 26, 2011

English 9:
- Define SPP vocab
- Final Drafts of paper due Wednesday
- Review BW and Short Stories

English 12:
- Read pages 90-95
- Become familiar with The Canterbury Tales' Prologue
- Rough Drafts due 10/5

- Study the map of the brain
- Review pages 81-89
- CIR chapters 5-10