April 19, 2013

English 9:
- 400-500 word Cyclopean 1st person due Monday (see BW)
- Review all episodes we've covered thus far
- BW

- Projects

April 18, 2013

English 9:
- Finish The Land of the Dead
- Page 1069, 5-7 and the Big Question

- Projects

April 17, 2013

English 9:
- Critical Lens Quiz today (see BW)
- Research Circe (in terms of Odysseus)
- BW

- Journal 1 - Project update

April 16, 2013

English 9:
- Finish The Cyclops
- Page 1069, 1-4 all
- Continue to consider things from Polyphemus' perspective - Is Odysseus really a hero?
- Critical Lens quiz tomorrow
- BW

- You should have a better understanding of where you are headed with your first project

April 15, 2013

English 9:
- Read The Cyclops to line 284
- Consider and answer the questions from the board (see below)
- BW

- Projects