March 18, 2011

English 9:
- Define TKAM Vocab 1-5
- Review notes from today for Monday
- Bring TKAM to class Monday

Preview of Scout's Neighborhood...

English 12:
- Read 13-16 in The Hobbit and questions
- Work on Papers...time is disappearing...etc.
- Finish BW from today

March 17, 2011

English 9:
- Finish Devlin Critical Essay
- TKAM begins tomorrow

Regents' Critical Lens Essay Rubric

English 12:
- Read Chapters 13-16/questions in The Hobbit
- Work on papers
- Consider Victorian Themes... 

"Mwah hah hah hah hah hah!!!" -Vincent Price

March 16, 2011

English 9:

- Finish Critical Lens Outline (Devlin)
- Review comments from Peer Review today (weaknesses?)

- Devlin Background

English 12:
- Page 973, 1-4
- The Hobbit 13-16/questions due Monday
- Papers in April

Tolkien and the Environment (lecture with links to Romantic Ideal)

Olsen, Corey. "Tolkien and the Environment." Lecture. English 494. Washington College, Chestertown. 13 July 2009. Web.

March 15, 2011

English 9:
- Finish Critical Lens #1 (Camus)
- Return all textbooks
- Beware the Ides of March!

English 12:
- Read 942-953 in Textbook (Victorian Period)
- The Hobbit, Chapters 13-16/ questions due next Monday

March 14, 2011

English 9:
- Finish BW
- Complete Critical Lens Outline Worksheet (see below)



English 12:
- Bring Textbooks tomorrow
- The Hobbit Paper due 4/14
- The Hobbit Chapters 13-16/questions due Monday
- Listen to The Hobbit lecture #4 (below)

Tolkien Lecture #4 (Chapters 12-19 )
Olsen, Corey. "The Hobbit IV." Lecture. English 494. Washington College, Chestertown. 5 March 2010. Web.