March 14, 2013

English 9:
- TKAM 22-26 due next Friday, 3/22 (finish the novel by Monday 3/25)
- BW
TKAM 22-26 Questions
- TKAM Reading Schedule

- Projects.  Due at the end of next week or so.

March 13, 2013

English 9:
- TKAM 17-21 due tomorrow
- BW
- TKAM 17-21 Questions

-TKAM 22-26 Questions (early edition)

- Projects
- Journal- Forks Over Knives - React to what we have seen so far.

March 12, 2013

English 9:
- Read/Finish The Invalid's Tale on page 363
- TKAM 17-21 due Thursday
- BW
- TKAM 17-21 Questions
- TKAM Reading Schedule

- The projects are coming!!!

March 11, 2013

English 9:
- Research Mark Twain on the GALE Online Database.  Come prepared with at least one interesting factoid about his life.
- TKAM 17-21 due Thursday
- BW
- TKAM 17-21 Questions
- TKAM Reading Schedule

- Projects