September 28, 2012

English 9:
- Review Literary Terms
- SCR 1 work (aka Question 27) begins Monday
- Use the Google to research the Short Constructed Response on the regents exam (again, question 27).  There is a link to the rubric to the right of this blog.  What else can you find?

27 Choose a specific literary element (e.g., theme, characterization, structure, point
of view, etc.) or literary technique (e.g., symbolism, irony, figurative language,
etc.) used by  one of the authors. Using specific details from  either Passage I 
(the poem) or Passage II (the short story excerpt), in a well-developed paragraph,
show how the author uses that element or technique to develop the passage.


- Read CIR 11-14 for next Ryeday

September 27, 2012

English 9:
- Finish the MDG Plot Activity from class (see BW below)
- Be prepared to share tomorrow
- Review Literary Terms

- CIR 5-10 for Ryeday
- Journal 3
         - Use what you have learned to write an open ended response to the novel thus far.  What is the deal with Holden?  What is this novel about?  Whatever you want to write about.  Significant thought and length.

September 25, 2012


English 9:
- Finish MDG (229-end)
- BW
- Complete conflict/vocab worksheet
- Review Literary Terms

- CIR 5-10 due Friday
- Begin thinking about project ideas

September 24, 2012

English 9:
- Read MDG up until the ellipse on the bottom of page 229
- Answer the BW Questions abd be ready for discussion tomorrow
- Be prepared for another Lit Terms quiz at any moment

- Read 5-10 in CIR for Ryeday